Preventative Care@3x

Fact or Fiction? 10 Pet Myths Debunked

Jul 11, 2023 | All About Animals


Common Pet Myths and Misconceptions

Welcome, pet lovers, to our exciting exploration of fact versus fiction in the world of pets! In this blog, we’re uncovering the truth behind common pet myths and finally setting the record straight for popular pet misconceptions. Get ready to be enlightened, entertained, and a more informed pet owner overall. Now, let’s dive in and debunk!

 “All Cats Hate Water” – FALSE!

This is a pretty common pet behavior misconception, and while it’s true that many cats aren’t fond of water, not all cats hate it. Some felines enjoy swimming or playing in shallow water. Their aversion to water may stem from their grooming habits and dislike of being soaked. However, certain cat breeds are known for their affinity for water and may even join you for a dip in the pool this summer!

“Dogs Only See in Black and White” – FALSE!

This is another common pet myth, but you’ll be surprised to find that while dogs do have limited color vision compared to humans, they can perceive certain colors. Research says they primarily see shades of blue and yellow, with green appearing as a shade of yellow. So although their color vision differs from ours, their world is still vibrant and full of hues. 

“Hamsters and Guinea Pigs Play Dead” – FALSE!

Contrary to common pet myths, hamsters and guinea pigs do not play dead as a defense mechanism. When these small critters freeze or become motionless, it’s usually a sign of fear or stress. Their natural instinct is to hide or retreat when they feel threatened. So, if you ever see your hamster or guinea pig seemingly “playing dead,” it’s just their way of seeking safety, not a creative act of deception.

“Dogs Age Seven Years for Every Human Year” – FALSE!

Although this common pet myth can be fun when determining whether you’re a pet parent to a toddler, a preteen, or a full-grown adult, the idea that one dog year is equal to seven human years is a simplified approximation. Dogs age at different rates depending on their breed, size, and overall health. A more accurate way to determine your dog’s age is to consider the first year roughly equivalent to 15 human years and then add nine human years for each additional year. So, next time you’re calculating your pet’s age, remember they may be wise beyond their years, and it’s not as straightforward as simple multiplication.

“Goldfish Have a Three-Second Memory” – FALSE!

Goldfish get a bad rap, often associated with having a short memory span of just three seconds. However, this is one of the pet myths debunked by scientific studies, which have shown that goldfish actually have a memory span of several months and can even learn and recognize patterns. They may not have the same memory capabilities as humans, but they’re far from having the fleeting memory we believe them to have. Perhaps with this new knowledge, you can try teaching Goldy some tricks!

“Cats Always Land on Their Feet” – PARTIALLY TRUE!

This is another widespread pet behavior misconception. Cats do possess the remarkable ability to land on their feet due to their flexible spines and highly developed inner ear, which helps them maintain balance. However, this doesn’t mean they are invincible by any means. Cats need sufficient time and height to correct their posture during a fall. Additionally, falls from great heights can still cause severe injuries to cats. So, while they have impressive acrobatic skills, and we believe they can do anything they set their mind to, it’s important to keep our feline friends safe from high places.

“Dogs’ Mouths Are Cleaner Than Humans” – FALSE!

Although it’s a popular belief, dogs’ mouths are not cleaner than humans’. Dogs explore the world through their mouths, often picking up bacteria, parasites, and other microorganisms. They may also indulge in some less-than-sanitary habits, like eating garbage or rolling in unmentionable things. So, next time your dog offers a slobbery smooch, remember this one of all the pet myths debunked and instead maintain good hygiene for both of you.

“Rabbits Love Carrots” – PARTIALLY TRUE!

Carrots are often associated with rabbits, but it’s important to note that this is only a myth about pet nutrition, and carrots should be given in moderation. This particular vegetable is high in sugar and should not be the primary component of a rabbit’s diet. Instead, rabbits require a balanced diet that includes hay, fresh veggies, and limited portions of pellets. So, yes, carrots are okay; just be sure not to go overboard and ensure you’re keeping your furry friend “hoppy” and nourished with a well-rounded meal. 

“Cats Can See in Total Darkness” – FALSE!

Cats have excellent night vision thanks to a structure called the tapetum lucidum that reflects light back through their retinas. This enables them to see better in low-light conditions than humans. However, cats still need some level of ambient light to see clearly. They may navigate dark spaces better than us, but complete darkness can still hinder their vision.

“Black Cats Bring Bad Luck”  – FALSE!

The notion that stumbling upon a black cat will bring you bad luck is nothing more than a popular pet misconception. The superstition has been ingrained in some cultures for centuries. However, it’s important to understand that this belief is unfounded and lacks scientific basis, making it nothing more than a common pet myth. In fact, some cultures view black cats as symbols of good luck and prosperity. Of all the pet myths debunked today, it’s time to dispel this one and eliminate the stigma surrounding black cats. They are just as loving and deserving of a forever home as any other, so let’s work together to give them the love and recognition they deserve!


There you have it! We’ve debunked ten common pet myths and set some silly yet popular pet misconceptions straight. Remember, being an informed pet owner is essential for the well-being of our beloved companions, so be sure to keep questioning, keep learning, and continue to provide the best care possible for our furry, feathered, or scaly friends. Stay curious and connected with us for more myth-busting blogs in the future!

Disclaimer: Not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your pet. If you think your pet has a medical emergency, call or visit your veterinarian or your local veterinary emergency hospital immediately.