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8 Ways to Treat Your Pet With Your Tax Refund!

Apr 18, 2022 | Adopt a Pet, AZPetVet, Dog, For Your Pet, Giving Back

Dog Wearing Eyeglasses With Laptop And Calculator

Tax Refund Ideas & Ways to Treat Your Pet


Depending on how much you owe Uncle Sam this year, you might get a financial windfall in the form of a tax refund. Want to put your tax refund to good use for your pet or pets? Here are some tax refund ideas and ways to treat your pet,  including fun activities for dogs and cats!


Treat Your Pet to Some Professional Grooming or Spa Day

There’s nothing quite so luxurious as a day at the spa, so your pet might enjoy getting pampered at his/her favorite salon or spa. A professional groomer can give your dog or cat a bath, clip their nails, brush out their fur, and even brush their teeth. Find an AZPetVet Grooming Salon near you.


Invest in Doggie Daycare

For many dog owners, pet daycare is an indispensable part of life, but it isn’t cheap. You could use a portion of your tax refund to pay for a few months in advance!, plus some daycares will give a discount for prepaying. If you don’t already use daycare, giving it a try might make sense. Each day is full of fun activities for dogs, including lots of furry friends to play with! Use Rover to find good daycare providers in your area, but be sure to check out reviews and references before leaving your pup with someone new.


Splurge on Toys

Buy your pet some fun new toys and keep him entertained while you’re at work or spending time with other family members. Some expensive toys may be more durable than the cheap ones, so you won’t have to replace them as often. Or buy a few cheaper toys instead; that way, if one gets destroyed, it won’t be as big of a deal. There are also many toys designed to provide fun activities for cats while indulging their natural instincts for hunting, stalking, pouncing, climbing, and scratching. Here’s a great list of the best interactive toys for indoor cats.


Have a Pupper Party

Another way to treat your pet is to throw a party for them! Invite your friends and their pets for a day of activities, food, and fun. Consider renting out a park or community building that allows animals so everyone will have plenty of room to run around and play together. The Barking Bodega is a wonderful spot in Tempe that offers a little something for everyone.


Buy a New Pet Carrier

When traveling with your pet, be sure that you have an appropriate carrier. The carrier should be big enough for the animal to stand up and turn around. If you have a small dog or cat, there are carriers that look like backpacks. These are perfect for taking a pet on a hike! If you have a medium-sized dog, get a rolling suitcase-like carrier. It’s easy to pull along and has plenty of room for the animal’s essentials. If you have a large dog, look into getting a travel crate. Make sure that it is large enough and sturdy enough to safely transport the dog without damaging the car interior or other passengers.


Take a Pet-Friendly Vacation

If you and your pet want to take a trip, there’s no better way to spend that money than on travel expenses. With more pet-friendly hotels and destinations than ever before, there’s no need to leave your precious furry family member behind.  For instance, many Arizonans love taking a trip to escape the heat of summer, and San Diego offers many dog-friendly hotels and beaches!


Donate to an Animal Charity

According to the Humane Society of the United States, there are over 10,000 local humane societies around the U.S. that need donations from caring people like you!  There are also many different rescue organizations and pet therapy groups that could use a bit of extra help. LovePup Foundation, Gabriel’s Angels, and Grandpaw’s Pantry are some of the AZPetVet family’s favorite charities to support.


Invest in Your Pet’s Health

If you’re on a tight budget, this could be the best way to spend your tax refund — especially if you don’t have pet insurance. Put some of the money into a savings account just in case your pet needs medical attention down the road, or if you’re currently paying all the bills out-of-pocket — now is the perfect time to get a policy for Fido or Kitty. The average policy costs about $500 per year, which means that depending on how big your refund is, it might cover two years’ worth of premiums or even more!


Big or small, no matter what you choose to do with your tax refund, your pet will love the treat and the special attention. Happy refund fun!


Disclaimer: Not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your pet. If you think your pet has a medical emergency, call or visit your veterinarian or your local veterinary emergency hospital immediately. 

Disclaimer: Not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your pet. If you think your pet has a medical emergency, call or visit your veterinarian or your local veterinary emergency hospital immediately.